This technology can also help you save on auto insurance by allowing you to prove that you’re a safe, conscientious driver who deserves a discount.
Lower Your Premiums
Telematics products were created to reward you for being a good driver. Depending on where you live, this free program uses a mobile app or a small device that plugs into a port on your car’s dashboard. Either way, the tool is easy to set up, use, and monitor.
Once it’s installed, carriers then track your driving for approximately 90 days to assess four factors: braking, acceleration, nighttime driving, and total miles driven. However, it does not track where you drive or record other personal information.
Following the review period, companies then rate your driving and immediately offer you a discount just for participating. You’re are guaranteed to save a minimum of 5% on your premiums — and could save up to 30% — and you will never be surcharged for the driving behaviors monitored during your participation. Plus, this savings applies for the life of your policy, so there’s no need to track your driving again in the future. Think of it as a permanent discount you earned for having good driving habits.
So put yourself in control of your policy savings and enroll today. For more information, contact your local independent agent, Agate Insurance (970) 682-1758.

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