Tag Archives: Fort Collins Best Insurance

  1. From Keychains to Keyless Entry: The Evolution of Auto Industry Promo Items

    The automotive industry has a rich history of promotional giveaways, from the practical to the peculiar. These items were once ubiquitous, found in glove compartments, ashtrays, and even on keyrings. However, as consumer habits and technology have evolved, so too have the types of promotional items offered by car-related businesses. Let’s take a nostalgic look at some of these forgotten treasures.

  2. How to Put out a Grease Fire

    Cooking causes over 172,000 home structure fires annually and is considered the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. Specifically, cooking caused 49% of reported home fires, 20% of reported home fire deaths and 42% of home fire injuries. Often, these fires are ignited by grease. Knowing how to respond quickly could be the…

  3. Tips for Safe Snow Shoveling

    To ensure you stay injury-free as you clear driveways and sidewalks, here are some tips for safe snow shoveling: Be heart conscious. If you have a history of heart problems and are physically inactive, it’s best to consult with your health care team before starting heavy exercise like shoveling. In addition, don’t shovel while smoking,…

  4. P.A.S.S. the Fire Extinguisher

    Pull: Pull the pin. There is a small pin that prevents the fire extinguisher from accidentally being discharged, all you have to do is pull it out and continue on to the next step. Aim: Aim the nozzle of the fire extinguisher low at the base of the fire. Squeeze: Squeeze the trigger you just…