Spring Break Health Tips

These seven tips will help you get the most of your spring break getaway:

  1. Spring Break Health Tips

    1. Increase your protein intake Sneak some extra protein into your diet if your pre-travel plans include more strenuous workouts to help build muscle. Swap chips for nuts or trail mix, add a hardboiled egg to salads and hit the dairy section for Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Eating healthy prior to your trip will…

  2. Spring Home Maintenance Tips – Outside

    After a long winter, it is a good idea to spend time on preventive measures to help maintain your home and property throughout the year. Tasks such as cleaning out your gutters, checking trees for dead branches, and cleaning and inspecting home mechanical and plumbing systems, such as heating and air conditioning equipment, can help…

  3. Spring Home Maintenance Tips – Inside

    Although the tasks are different, checking to see if all the elements of your home are in good working order can help keep your family safe and your maintenance expenses lower over the long run. Inside Your Home Here are a few things inside your home that should be inspected to determine if they are…